「Volkswagen Is A Auto-maker Based In Germany」の変更履歴

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2025年1月12日 (日)

  • 最新 09:222025年1月12日 (日) 09:22Tomas09P5054205 トーク 投稿記録 5,233バイト +5,233 ページの作成:「In 1972, with an increase of than 15 million systems constructed, the Beetle topped the entire world production record placed by Ford's Model T. The Passat was soon became a member of by the Golfing (Rabbit in the U.S.), which fulfilled with immediate success. By the finish of the ten years, the manufacturer's lineup experienced grown to add the Scirocco sport coupe and the performance-oriented Golfing/Rabbit GTI. The Passat (Dasher in the U.S.) was the to begin the…」