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2025年1月21日 (火)

  • 最新 03:292025年1月21日 (火) 03:29HildegardeHoldsw トーク 投稿記録 3,296バイト +3,296 ページの作成:「Because most phones make use of a 2.5 mm jack and also the headphones possess a 3.5 mm jack, require an adapter. I have no need of a real separate media player (iPod or other) as the Treo using Windows Media Player will playback music, podcasts also YouTube or other video.<br><br>(Sigh) There still May be times when need compose something on the ground. A small pad (often referred to as a moleskin) could be tossed into the bag and will not add much bulk. I use a sma…」